Akhir akhir ini banyak orang yang bilang kalau aku GENDUT, “Getdut yah loh sekarang.”.

Yes! memang akhir-akhir ini aku mengalami penambahan berat badan, naik sekitar 6-7 kg, dan ini memang sangat merubah penampilan ku menjadi agak melebar.

Sedikit cerita, aku sangat sadar kalau berat badanku naik! (Sangat sadar!). Dan aku yakin banget kalau kenaikan badan ku ini dikarenakan faktor MAKAN BANYAK.  Kenapa aku jadi banyak makan? Karna diriku kerja dan harus berfikir keras, apalagi memang bidang perkerjaan aku ini dituntut untuk terus berfikir. Kalau kata Ferris Jabr berfikir keras itu membakar kalori, dan saat kalori terbakar maka Otak membutuhkan makanan, dan jadilah aku makan terus. Another factor aku makan banyak juga karna makan adalah pelarian aku ketika SRESS. Nahh yang ngatain “Gendut loh yah sekarang” mereka pasti gak akan berfikir kalau orang yang dia katain itu punya problem dalam hidupnya, sehingga orang tersebut makan banyak (Bagus pelarian dimakan..! dari pada pelariannya ke something yang negative).

Kata “Gendut lo sekarang” itu banyak aku dengar di lingkungan keluarga, teman, dan dimanapun aku berada. Intinya, setiap aku pergi kemana pasti aku dengar kata “Gendut lo sekarang” , “Ihh gendutan yah”, dan bla bla. Bisa bayangin dong yah, kalau setiap hari dengerinnya kata ini terus, pasti males dan BT.

Hal penting yang mau aku sampaikan adalah efek dari kata-kata yang mereka sebutkan itu. Setiap hari aku dengar kata itu, jujur aku jadi orang yang DOWN, PEMALU. Sampai waktu itu aku itu gak mau pergi ke pernikahan, karana aku takut dan malu jika ada orang yang comment dengan kenaikan berat badanku ini, intinya aku takut kemana-mana dan lebih memilih untuk stay dirumah (lebih tepatnya didalam kamar), karna didalam rumahpun aku sering mendengarkan kata tersebut, makanya aku lebih nyaman didaam kamar, bahkan hal ini membuat aku  malas untuk bertemu keluarga besar, saudara, pokoknya orang-orang, karna apa? Karana aku takut di bilang “Gendut yah lo sekarag”, “Kok Gendut sih!”. Cukuplah hidup ini dipusingkan dengan hal-hal yang memang patut untuk dipusingkan, bukan pusing dengan hal seperti ini.

Kalian pasti gak akan menyadari dampak dari perkataan kalian. Guys, apa yang kalian katakana itu sangat berdampak untuk orang yang mendengarnya. So please hati-hati dalam berucap.

Mungkin kalian akan fikir, “ahh lebai banget, digituin ajah marah”, “itu kan untuk kebaikan lo, jadi lo bisa sadar kalau badan lo membesar”, Yess aku paham. Cuman in the real nya, hal itu kurang tepat untuk disampaikan, mungkin kalian bisa kata begitu karena kalian gak pernah diperlakukan seperti itu, or kalian gak mengerti dampak dari yang kalian ucapkan itu, orr kalian gak pernah tau apa itu “Body Shaming”!

Dulu aku pernah diposisi yang sama, yang suka comment dengan perubahan berat badan seseorang, dan aku ngerasa sama sekali tidak ada yang salah dengan hal tersebut, ngerasa fine-fine ajah , dan berfikir yahh aku kan comment biar orang itu sadar. Saat aku seperti itu aku sama sekali gak tau kalau hal tersebut dapat berdampak negative bagi orang yang mendengarnya. So please hati-hati dengan ucapan kalian, karna comment tentang berat badan seseorang itu sensitive.

Mungkin akan berbeda jika kalian say sorry, ex: “Ehh sorry banget nih, aku cuman mau kasih tau ajah nih, kalau kamu agak berisi yah. Udah bisa mulai jaga jaga makan lagi nih hihi”. Nah orang yang mendengar, atau aku yang degarnya juga gak akan tersingung haha, malah senang ternyata ada care. Kuncinya itu say sorry sebelumnya.

Despite all the negativity that I am facing with body shaming, ada juga orang yang mengerti tentang body shaming ini ya walaupun gak banyak. Sangat terharu aku saat ada salah satu temanku yang membelaku saat ada seseorang yang melakukan body shaming terhadap saya, dan juga of course my boyfriend. If more people become more aware and understanding of this issue, i'm sure it will help a lot of us with our confidence and insecurities!

Oh iyah body shaming is also not limited to those of us who are on the plus side. Other people with different body types also face body shaming as well. Now if we are going to shame every body type, when will it stop? There's no such thing as being perfect or having the perfect body size. We just have to be comfortable in our own skin and respect others.

Begitu teman-teman :)

Yeayy finally I'm able to step foot in Japan. I really took a gamble in coming here considering my tight finances, but I followed my heart and went on with it. I had the money for tickets but was short on accommodation and expenses for when I'm there.

I was browsing through flight tickets and at that moment came across an ANA return flight which cost about 5.9 million, when else is a deal like that for a 5 star airlines going to come by. So I set my heart on getting the ticket. There was some drama before my trip, drama surrounding how I'm going to save up for the trip. I'll talk about that on another post because it deserves a post on its own as the story is quite interesting, to me at least.

Shibuya crossing. A great spot for people watching

After buying the tickets, for 2 months I spent on the necessities for the trip, such as accommodation, tickets for Disneyland, bus ticket to Fuji, transportation, and much more. Everything was planned and bought prior to the trip so I do not have to worry about it when I'm in Japan. Honestly I was relieved when I'm able to settle everything a week before my trip, and all that's left was to fly off to Japan.

I won't be going into topics regarding my itinerary for Tokyo but if you wish to know more about going for a holiday in Tokyo, I'll be more than happy to answer your questions. For any questions relating to Tokyo, feel free to comment below or follow my Instagram account @yesicamaudreyy. I'll be glad to answer questions pertaining to accommodation, transportation, attractions and much more.

Next, I would like to share what I have learnt during my trip:
  1. Tokyo taught me to be more discipline and appreciate people's time. When it comes to being on time, the people there are strict. If you're 1 minute late to board the bus, they are not going to wait for you.
  2. They work hard and do not look down on other people's work. They put maximum effort into their work and not complain about it.
  3. Cleanliness: The country is clean and the people are very particular about that. If you do not wish to get stares from everyone, do not throw your rubbish as you wish. In restaurant and eateries, they offer wet tissue/towels so you can wipe your hands and mouth.
  4. Most shops there close at about 8-9pm, especially the malls. Its different as compared to Jakarta which closes at 10-11pm. So if you want to do some shopping, do it in the afternoon or just before the crowd gets huge at around 5pm.
  5. The food is a little pricey: You can't compare the price of the food to the ones in Jakarta. One meal can set you back at least 800 Yen, or about 100,000 IDR. But if you want to find something more affordable, there are options as well. For example, I love to buy food and drinks from their Family Mart (the onigiri there is my favourite). You can get food and drinks there at a lower price as compared to the shops outside. Don't worry, the food at the Family Mart there is of quality, its different than the Family Mart here.
  6. No Traffic Jams, No Pollution: This is what I like the most. In Tokyo, the air is great and there is little pollution because most of the people there make use of their public transport like the MRT and bus. Furthermore there is very little traffic jam. Even if there is, its only for a short while. This makes me miss Tokyo so much haha.
  7. Walking: In Tokyo, you have to walk. A lot. Getting from one subway line to the other will take like 200m of walking. Plus, there's a lot of stairs you have to take. What amazes me was how the ladies in Tokyo were able to walk so much with heels on. I can see their feet looks bright red but they walk as though they feel nothing. So don't be shocked if you are in Tokyo and see ladies in heels going up flight of stairs, especially when taking the subway. Maybe that's the secret to why majority of the people there looks very healthy.
The bottom lime is, you have to go to Japan! Witness a different culture in a different country, how their everyday life looks like and how much progress the country has made
I guess this is the end for this post. I will share more regarding Japan in another post!

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Thank you and have a nice day.

